
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2023


  My name is Jhojan Alejandro Velasquez, I study on the Sena I am learning Technology, Analysis, and Software Development. On this occasion the evidence of the activity is presented: GA4-240202501-AA1-EV03 for teacher Luis Fernando Bautista -  Level 6 - MCE B1,1+

Mapa mental sobre su (Personal Learning Environment) PLE GA4-240202501-AA1-EV02


Audio GA3-240202501-AA2-EV02

listen here Access to the audio Hello everybody. My name is Jhojan Alejandro velasquez Piedrahita. My group ID is 2721541. I am a student for analysis software and development. And at this moment I will make an audio and I will explain to you actions, plans and solutions of my Contexts, academic and about the business. Well, to start I will. I am very interesting person with a lot of plans about my future. And how I want to be. I like to take a lot of risks and because that risks, I add that very quickly and well to the change that I have in my life. I always with a solution that favors me academically and at work, but I am salesperson, and I am a student for this. Well, I have a lot of initiative to start projects in my life and finish them to meet the expectations. That I have for myself, I have sacrificed a lot of achieving each goal, always making a decision that helps me advance professionally and as a person too. I have not been too afraid to take a drastic change about my living

Audio GA3-240202501-AA1-EV02

listen here!! access to the audio   TEXT   Hi everybody. Welcome. For this audio, my name is Johan Alejandro Velasquez piedrahita. I am saying as a student. In the analysis and department of this award, with the group number 2721541. My English instructor is Luis Fernando Bautista Pinera. At this moment. I make the activity audio. Well, I am a person who must carry out many activities to make the graduation as the programming technologies and analysts. Go to. Go ahead with the courage. I must put more in my effort. And shall I go much further by study in the Senate? The answer itself, I must complete out the competitions and activities to be satisfied. For that, I must be more responsible and apply more discipline in my studies. Currently, I am a worker for the company executed. In a salesperson. When I am the salesperson, I will sell technology and I have contact with a lot of customers that want to purchase these things. And I love my job. And I enjoy sharing my knowledge with my

Folleto. GA1-240202501-AA1-EV03


Video presentación. GA1-240202501-AA1-EV02


Documento escrito. GA2-240202501-AA2-EV03

 Medellín, 2nd july 2023 Dear sofsoft S.A.S Subject: interest to applying to the job offer Greetings! I would like to apply for the software developer position that you currently have posted at the employment exchange. I have carefully read the job description and believe that I have the skills and experience required. As you can see from my resume, I have experience in web and software development, including 3 years at the emtelco Company. During this time, I have managed to improve procedures within the development department, while reducing costs by 20%. and I have increased overall efficiency. I can also offer: An exhaustive knowledge of the web and applications development industry, having worked for two of the leading companies in Colombia. Extensive practical skills in Frontend development. A particular interest in product planning, having successfully researched the market possibilities of several new product lines that I was found to be profitable. I have experience in the sup

Presentación. GA2-240202501-AA2-EV02


Crónica. GA2-240202501-AA1-EV03

 BILL GATES Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, in October 28, 1955, On April 4, 1975, while still a student at Harvard University, he created a company called the Microsoft company, and he was named one of the 50 Most Desirable Bachelors, however In 1976 he was left of the university and he was focused in his business, in fact he was designed different ways to grow his company, one of the most talked is the MS – DOS operating system this OS allowed that Microsoft grow to biggest levels and made Microsoft today one of the most largest companies in the world in the technology area,. He married with Melinda French on January 1, 1994, and they had three children, Bill Gates ranked second in the annual list of the greatest personal fortunes compiled by Forbes magazine, Since 2008, the year he stopped managing Microsoft he has succeeded in some projects in order to spread his lifestyle In this sense, together with Peter Thiel (co-founder of the PayPal company), he has supported the

Vídeo entrevista virtual. GA2-240202501-AA1-EV02
