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Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, in October 28, 1955, On April 4, 1975, while still a student at Harvard University, he created a company called the Microsoft company, and he was named one of the 50 Most Desirable Bachelors, however In 1976 he was left of the university and he was focused in his business, in fact he was designed different ways to grow his company, one of the most talked is the MS – DOS operating system this OS allowed that Microsoft grow to biggest levels and made Microsoft today one of the most largest companies in the world in the technology area,. He married with Melinda French on January 1, 1994, and they had three children, Bill Gates ranked second in the annual list of the greatest personal fortunes compiled by Forbes magazine, Since 2008, the year he stopped managing Microsoft he has succeeded in some projects in order to spread his lifestyle In this sense, together with Peter Thiel (co-founder of the PayPal company), he has supported the creation of artificial eggs based on plants that are easy to grow. In September 2019, Netflix launched a documentary series titled "Bill Gates Under the Magnifying Glass”, directed by Davis Guggenheim, which seeks to understand how the brain of the creator of Microsoft works, On May 3, 2021, he announced the end of his marriage to Melinda French, after 27 years of marriage, through a message posted on his personal Twitter account. Although they end their personal relationship, but they will continue to work together at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

