Audio GA3-240202501-AA1-EV02

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Hi everybody. Welcome. For this audio, my name is Johan Alejandro Velasquez piedrahita. I am saying as a student. In the analysis and department of this award, with the group number 2721541. My English instructor is Luis Fernando Bautista Pinera. At this moment. I make the activity audio. Well, I am a person who must carry out many activities to make the graduation as the programming technologies and analysts. Go to. Go ahead with the courage. I must put more in my effort. And shall I go much further by study in the Senate? The answer itself, I must complete out the competitions and activities to be satisfied. For that, I must be more responsible and apply more discipline in my studies. Currently, I am a worker for the company executed. In a salesperson. When I am the salesperson, I will sell technology and I have contact with a lot of customers that want to purchase these things. And I love my job. And I enjoy sharing my knowledge with my partners and bosses. And I'd like to contribute to my family. And I like to make a lot of activities outside the job at the study. Well, if you want more information only, you can rate me inside. Thank you for listening to this and see you soon again.


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Crónica. GA2-240202501-AA1-EV03