Audio GA3-240202501-AA2-EV02

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Hello everybody. My name is Jhojan Alejandro velasquez Piedrahita. My group ID is 2721541. I am a student for analysis software and development. And at this moment I will make an audio and I will explain to you actions, plans and solutions of my Contexts, academic and about the business. Well, to start I will. I am very interesting person with a lot of plans about my future. And how I want to be. I like to take a lot of risks and because that risks, I add that very quickly and well to the change that I have in my life. I always with a solution that favors me academically and at work, but I am salesperson, and I am a student for this. Well, I have a lot of initiative to start projects in my life and finish them to meet the expectations. That I have for myself, I have sacrificed a lot of achieving each goal, always making a decision that helps me advance professionally and as a person too. I have not been too afraid to take a drastic change about my living site. Example change cities or make longest travels to achieve my goals and dreams that complete. This study and be grown in my in my work and study more a lot to in the future a professional. Well, thank you for listening to me. And I will hope that we see you soon again. Bye.


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Crónica. GA2-240202501-AA1-EV03