Documento escrito. GA2-240202501-AA2-EV03

 Medellín, 2nd july 2023

Dear sofsoft S.A.S

Subject: interest to applying to the job offer


I would like to apply for the software developer position that you currently have posted at the employment exchange. I have carefully read the job description and believe that I have the skills and experience required.

As you can see from my resume, I have experience in web and software development, including 3 years at the emtelco Company. During this time, I have managed to improve procedures within the development department, while reducing costs by 20%. and I have increased overall efficiency. I can also offer:

An exhaustive knowledge of the web and applications development industry, having worked for two of the leading companies in Colombia.

Extensive practical skills in Frontend development.

A particular interest in product planning, having successfully researched the market possibilities of several new product lines that I was found to be profitable. I have experience in the supervision of personnel, since in the last 72 months I have led a team.

Your offer is of particular interest to me as your company has an excellent reputation in the web Development industry. I would like to be able to discuss my application with you in more detail and hope to hear back in the coming days.

Best regards,



Jhojan alejandro velasquez piedrahita

student in software analysis and development

phone number : 3054422037



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Crónica. GA2-240202501-AA1-EV03