

  My name is Jhojan Alejandro Velasquez, I study on the Sena I am learning Technology, Analysis, and Software Development. On this occasion the evidence of the activity is presented: GA4-240202501-AA1-EV03 for teacher Luis Fernando Bautista -  Level 6 - MCE B1,1+

Mapa mental sobre su (Personal Learning Environment) PLE GA4-240202501-AA1-EV02


Audio GA3-240202501-AA2-EV02

listen here Access to the audio Hello everybody. My name is Jhojan Alejandro velasquez Piedrahita. My group ID is 2721541. I am a student for analysis software and development. And at this moment I will make an audio and I will explain to you actions, plans and solutions of my Contexts, academic and about the business. Well, to start I will. I am very interesting person with a lot of plans about my future. And how I want to be. I like to take a lot of risks and because that risks, I add that very quickly and well to the change that I have in my life. I always with a solution that favors me academically and at work, but I am salesperson, and I am a student for this. Well, I have a lot of initiative to start projects in my life and finish them to meet the expectations. That I have for myself, I have sacrificed a lot of achieving each goal, always making a decision that helps me advance professionally and as a person too. I have not been too afraid to take a drastic change about my living

Audio GA3-240202501-AA1-EV02

listen here!! access to the audio   TEXT   Hi everybody. Welcome. For this audio, my name is Johan Alejandro Velasquez piedrahita. I am saying as a student. In the analysis and department of this award, with the group number 2721541. My English instructor is Luis Fernando Bautista Pinera. At this moment. I make the activity audio. Well, I am a person who must carry out many activities to make the graduation as the programming technologies and analysts. Go to. Go ahead with the courage. I must put more in my effort. And shall I go much further by study in the Senate? The answer itself, I must complete out the competitions and activities to be satisfied. For that, I must be more responsible and apply more discipline in my studies. Currently, I am a worker for the company executed. In a salesperson. When I am the salesperson, I will sell technology and I have contact with a lot of customers that want to purchase these things. And I love my job. And I enjoy sharing my knowledge with my

Folleto. GA1-240202501-AA1-EV03


Video presentación. GA1-240202501-AA1-EV02


Documento escrito. GA2-240202501-AA2-EV03

 Medellín, 2nd july 2023 Dear sofsoft S.A.S Subject: interest to applying to the job offer Greetings! I would like to apply for the software developer position that you currently have posted at the employment exchange. I have carefully read the job description and believe that I have the skills and experience required. As you can see from my resume, I have experience in web and software development, including 3 years at the emtelco Company. During this time, I have managed to improve procedures within the development department, while reducing costs by 20%. and I have increased overall efficiency. I can also offer: An exhaustive knowledge of the web and applications development industry, having worked for two of the leading companies in Colombia. Extensive practical skills in Frontend development. A particular interest in product planning, having successfully researched the market possibilities of several new product lines that I was found to be profitable. I have experience in the sup